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Vitriol (USA) – Suffer & Become (album review )

staticwire | April 19, 2024

Upon hearing Vitriol’s sophomore album, Suffer & Become, one finds themselves immersed in a cataclysmic whirlwind of sound, a relentless assault on the senses that leaves no room for respite. The Portland-based quartet has returned with an updated lineup and a sharpened sound that showcases a newfound sense of compositional diversity while retaining the bone-crushing intensity that defined their debut release, To Bathe from the Throat of Cowardice.

From the opening track, “Shame and its Afterbirth,” Vitriol wastes no time in establishing their ferocious presence, with frenetic drumming and discordant riffs pummeling the listener into submission. However, amidst the chaos, there are moments of respite where melodic guitar leads soar above the carnage, as evidenced in tracks like “The Isolating Lie of Learning Another” and “Survival’s Careening Inertia.” These brief respites serve as temporary reprieves before the onslaught resumes with even greater ferocity.

One of the standout aspects of Suffer & Become is the band’s ability to weave a tapestry of sound that is both technically impressive and emotionally resonant. The variations in tempo, the juxtaposition of brutality and melody, and the dynamic interplay between vocalists create a sonic landscape that is as immersive as it is punishing. Tracks like “The Flowers of Sadism” and “I am Every Enemy” showcase Vitriol’s ability to shift seamlessly between blistering aggression and haunting atmosphere, keeping the listener on edge throughout the album’s runtime.

While the sheer intensity of Suffer & Become may be overwhelming for some listeners, those willing to endure its punishing onslaught will be rewarded with a masterclass in modern death metal. Vitriol’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of the genre is evident in every twisted riff, guttural growl, and thunderous drum fill, solidifying their place as one of the most exciting acts in the contemporary metal scene.

In conclusion, Suffer & Become is a monumental achievement that cements Vitriol’s status as torchbearers of extreme metal. With its intricate songwriting, technical prowess, and unrelenting aggression, this album is a tour de force that demands repeated listens to fully appreciate its complexity and depth. For fans of uncompromising death metal that pushes the boundaries of the genre, Suffer & Become is an essential addition to their collection.

Rating: 9/10

Written by staticwire


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