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How John Lennon ABUSED Judy Garland

Classic Album Review | April 24, 2024
How John Lennon ABUSED Judy Garland


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  1. @gns423

    April 24, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    I really think Lennon suffered from a serious mental illness. Whether he was bipolar or paranoid/ schizophrenic, I don’t know. But I do know that my brother was diagnosed as a paranoid/schizophrenic, and then bipolar, and he displayed much of the same behavior. Almost like turret syndrome, he would say inappropriate things, he was very paranoid and mean, and other times he was apologetic and remorseful about his actions. Lennon probably needed some serious therapy and medication that wasn’t around in the early 1960s, so he medicated himself with drink and drugs, and you know where that leads.

  2. @martynflynn8368

    April 24, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    It doesn't surprise me at all to learn of Lennons meanness. A man who felt bitter in the shadow of a much greater songwriter and musical virtuoso in McCartney. I guess that seething jealous anger had to have an outlet on many occasions.

  3. @madlove1581

    April 24, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    I do not enjoy his music as much as I used to, actually avoid playing it. Some of the Beatles stuff he wrote I still entertain a listen, though.
    In retrospect, I find him hard to take, just a wretched man during every interview I've seen, including seeing him interact with people in the film 'Imagine'. That film really had the opposite effect on me, I wound up despising the man after seeing it. The Dick Cavett interview just added to my overall repulsion of Lennon.
    Arrogant, egotistical bastard = John Lennon
    Lennon, ……… nothing about him seems worth glorifying, including most of his solo career music.
    Coo coo ca choo ~

  4. @DragonflyII

    April 24, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    Fantastic shirt sir! Ironically Lennon also stooged Frank Zappa with the live album 'Somewhere In New York City', but that's another story that's been told. Cultural iconography & time period aside, there is no excuse for consistently appalling behaviour. If Lennon's legacy is tarnished through historical rose-coloured lens then its based on his own actions. Did he truly make amends with his first son Julian as you said? Certainly not on Yoko Ono's watch! John could make such a statement to appease his own ego if nothing else: the damage was already done. But best to ask Julian Lennon.

  5. @David-uf8ex

    April 24, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    I was disgusting at John for being such a prat years ago when hearing this he should have known better as Judy had a cruel mother that shaped her life . Judy had a beautiful voice which cannot be said of johns wife Ono . However Johns contribution to the world was massive and had he lived I’m sure would have had a chance to mature both Judy and johns lives cut way to short and May they both RIP

  6. @Nightman221k

    April 24, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    The life of Judy breaks my heart. The story about Bing Crosby encouraging the audience to show their support and love for her was a story that warmed my heart. I feel like it had to be a scary time for her with the world knowing so much about her struggles and feeling like she was being judged for it. 😢

  7. @manolokonosko2868

    April 24, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    Comedian Judy Tenuta often stated (in her stage shows) that if "that guy (referring to Mark David Chapman) had aimed a little to the left, he would have been a hero..". I used to believe that, but as I got older I saw that in a way, justice was done. I don't like Yoko, but the woman suffered a lot under Lennon's tyranny. The 5 year "hiatus" was nothing but an excuse to continue to be lazy as he had been in the Beatles since 1966, as Paul took over the reins of the band John had founded due to his lack of work ethic. Geoff Emerick's book is a clear testament to John's laziness and general a-holism. He was a brute animal that tried to excuse it by penning a few crappy and mediocre songs which were essentially beefed up to a level of acceptance by Paul, George, Ringo, as well as EMI producers and recording engineers. You can clearly see this in the film "Get Back" in which JOhn shows up to the studio completely unprepared while Paul and George show up with songs already halfway or fully written that needed polishing. Even Ringo's "Octopus's Garden" is a more enjoyable piece than most of the crap Lennon was trying to crank out. 157 takes for "Don't let Me Down"? It was Billy Preston that saved John Lennon's ass in those sessions.

  8. @manolokonosko2868

    April 24, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    As a songwriter, he was second only to Paul McCartney, and increasingly, to George Harrison. Sometime around "Rubber Soul" he began to slack off considerably, and display his true personality, long suffered or tolerated by his bandmates for the sake of their careers. Despite all the "Peace" stunts, he was not a good man nor was he mentally stable. Yoko could smell insecurity at 50 paces, and after 2 failed marriages and a childhood marked by poverty, she was determined never to lose her dinner ticket again. As a husband he was a beater and a cheater. As a father he was a brutal, violent man. Forever wailing about abandonment, he did the same to his firstborn. A hypocrite. Paul McCartney's biggest song was all about Julian's misery caused by John. Though I don't condone murder, and his death was tragic, in a way he had it coming. If it hadn't been that night by that man, it was certainly going to come at some other time by someone else. I love most of his music, though, Too bad we lost George. THAT was a regrettable passing. John's was and still is, clever marketing. No, Beatle fans, I'm NOT taking it back. John Lennon was not a good man.

  9. @guerralg63

    April 24, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    John Lennon had quite the mean streak! I do not believe in Karma, I believe in reaping what one sows. However, for John Lennon, I will believe in karma this once, and for him alone.

    I ❤ Steely Dan's song Only a Fool Would Say That😊❤

  10. @HartponderJr

    April 24, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    Let us not forget the lost summer in Los Angeles and being kicked out of the Whiskey Go Go… it’s funny to see John now get mythologized by the 20 somethings as the king of all you need is love…

  11. @MisterSplendy

    April 24, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    John Lennon was disgusting, and his self-indulgent music post-Beatles was pure GARBAGE. None of them are remembered today besides that idiotic "Imagine". I'm glad he only made it to 40 😂

  12. @davidfrazerwray7525

    April 24, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    I’ve just unsubscribed from your channel. It’s not because I’m blind to Lennon’s faults – he was human just like the rest of us and had a tough childhood, which manifested itself, as it often does, in a confused and sometimes violent adulthood. The reason for unsubscribing is that this whole piece smells of cheap journalism. The headline “How John Lennon ABUSED Judy Garland” suggests far more than shouting cruel comments, does it not? And we only get to the nature of the abuse until halfway through the video. This form of journalism is better suited to the Daily Mail.

    Hindsight is a luxury. Lennon was only 40 when he was murdered and still had a lot of growing up ahead of him. In spite of that, he had the courage to admit his mistakes, which he did several times in public forums. To his credit, he did not do what most public figures do: he did not rely on a well-oiled PR machine to paper over the cracks and present to the world a lovable, likeable guy. He was brutally honest. And that is rare today and was even rarer then.

  13. @onlineenglishadventures7190

    April 24, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    Johnny's brief 'peace' thing was contrived and calculated, trying to erase his true angry persona. He did truly need to be kept on a leash. No one could deny his talent, though at the same time it's hard to convince oneself that he would have been anything more than a hoodlum or even a villain had not McCartney shown up. He had the makings of a serial killer, or a musical genius. Good thing for us 'evil John' lost out. It's quite improbable in my estimation that he didn't express more rage or bitterness in his lyrics or music. So strange. ..As if all that came from a completely different person.
    It sure lends credibility to all the ghost writer claims by theorists. Maybe john's anger was more rooted in being bandied around as the face and packaging for some government psyop…once again those theorists. They sure are an interesting phenomenon and case study …and were an excellent pop band, if nothing else.
    Oh well, 4 mop tops…someone was bound to be a complete ass. Wonder why the others put up with him at the beginning…especially epstein. Was john so apparently a genius in the early days that they couldnt give him the elbow like they did to Pete? Good thing they didn't. It looks like yoko actully did him a lot of good, though it took a while for a healed, mature lennon to emerge. Double fantasy – if it was truly lennon – was brilliant and stupendous … especially given his solo catalog of mostly garbage. ( Right, Judy?)

  14. @grai

    April 24, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    Like a lot of the people today virtue signalling woke nonsense about trans rights and BLM John Lennon was doing it in the 60s and 70s 🤣

    crapping on about 'Peace and Love' when he really didn't give a fuck about anyone he was just trying to look like "a nice guy"
    Hypocrisy isn't new

  15. @sheldoncooper1134

    April 24, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    I've lost alot of like and respect for John Lennon on discovering this information about his violent and cruel side. He obviously was disgustingly arrogant and thought he was above having problems. What a fool!!

  16. @TheKitchenerLeslie

    April 24, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    Yoko knows who really killed John and may have played a part because she repeats the lies to this very day. If she didn't, the media would turn on her and she would no longer be exhalted, Doctors would show up and say she has dementia and can no longer control her own blood-money and she would go under a conservatorship like Britney. CIA killed him and they hid Mark David Chapman's connections to MK-ULTRA via the media they control. The shots came from inside the Dakota. The mysterious doorman who wasn't supposed to be there has been disappeared. Tom O'Neill revealed Charles Manson's CIA connections in a book he talked about on Joe Rogan's podcast and how Vincent Bugliosi was a psychopath who was compromised by them and was used to finger him as a fall guy to save his own reputation. The truth is that John Lennon was becoming a Republican and was going to support Reagan… the CIA couldn't have this because they work for The Rothschild Banking Cabal, not the United States.

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