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How the digital era increases our loneliness

Big Think | April 24, 2024
How the digital era increases our loneliness


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  1. @doilyhead

    April 24, 2024 at 5:25 pm

    It isn't the digital revolution. It's suburbia and dead or dying small towns. Growing up in Atlanta I miss being able to walk to my friends' and family's houses. Lived in Manhattan, walked to my grandparents and their siblings house.

  2. @ElPasoTubeAmps

    April 24, 2024 at 5:25 pm

    So true. My son, born in 1983, tells me how he and his sister and friends played outside and that seems to be about the end of the era of playing outside with friends – riding bicycles etc. I was born in 1949 and I went out and came home when I got hungry… I became a NASA engineer and have lived a great life. I am alone now that my wife of 46 years has passed and I try not to indulge very much in the Internet. I keep my pets and tend to my rentals and build equipment and try to stay busy until it is my time to be back with my wife. That is what I want most of all.

  3. @treheron

    April 24, 2024 at 5:25 pm

    The problem with phones is that everybody uses it, but instead of being a good person online they use their anonymity as a shield to say the harshest things, wanna know why? Because they hate themselves just as much as you do, and I do.

  4. @greinerphil

    April 24, 2024 at 5:25 pm

    Sprawl, an urban design that values Capitalist interest (manufacturing and energy)over people, sustainability, and environment is the central cause. This design isolates people from each other. This isolation doesn't exist in other cultures

  5. @OK-pi6fq

    April 24, 2024 at 5:25 pm

    I don’t think it was Internet so much as television. I think Internet has really helped a lot of lonely people branch out because they can still communicate over the Internet. I feel that way because of my own experience. However, I do think that television and the excess of lazy entertainment Through the Internet is actually more likely the cause. As as long as people are entertained their less likely to do other things to entertain themselves. And the human animal looks for the least resistance to that to most things, so if they can be entertained while putting in little effort, especially while putting in lots of effort for basic living, They’re more likely to do that. That means that they don’t develop relationships that they would normally develop. However, the Internet itself as a form of communication, branches out people who have lost connection or who have no connection and don’t know how to make connection. It allows them to be a part of the world via through games and gaming with people or chatting and chat forms where normally they would just be completely isolated, it allows them to keep connections with friends and family that they may have or would have otherwise lost via things like Facebook, etc. So the Internet is very connecting and not the thing that is the cause of loneliness but I think lazy entertainment is an Internet has greatly improved the access to lazy entertainment

  6. @tw8464

    April 24, 2024 at 5:25 pm

    The dangerous data theft, addiction engineering and perverse incentives of the no limits "screen economy" needs reined in. The whole thing is definitely undermining our humanity, and this undermining of humanity will massively accelerate with artificial "intelligence."

  7. @EviLPlayeR04

    April 24, 2024 at 5:25 pm

    But but I love to go worship fake gods at church and drink liver cancer inducing liquids at an old rusty bar!
    Sadly, social interactions will take a hit with increasing new technologies that help us move forward. I think it’s not as bad as we think because it will make us more resilient and self-sustainable. People relying in groups become less useful when by themselves, meaning they need others to support them more. That can become toxic.

  8. @makeracistsafraidagain

    April 24, 2024 at 5:25 pm

    I volunteer to maintain a city park. I’m retired.
    Cities are desperate for volunteers. It’s a great way to get out, soak up the sun, meet new friends and do something valuable for your community. I love the exercise.

  9. @jeroomsaus

    April 24, 2024 at 5:25 pm

    Feeling lonely is exclusive for folks whom wait for others to entertain them😂 i got time to short in a day to entertain myself in my music studio, dj-ing/ producing music for 40 years, loneliness don’t exist, its imaginary. Everybody please stay away from me🙏🏼 thanks

  10. @danawhiteisagenius8654

    April 24, 2024 at 5:25 pm

    I mean it has nothing to do with the fact that life turns into a 9-5 grind and you don’t even have time for a social life. Lol but sure let’s blame technology, makes sense and sounds cool. Everyone’s saying it so I better too lmao that’s this generation in a nutshell lmao

  11. @dchandrashaker

    April 24, 2024 at 5:25 pm

    Loliness is not epidemic, its a chance to reconnect with your self, its a boon , we just need to realise it, like some one said, if you are bored in your own prescence, it means you are not in a good company, just enjoy your own being.

  12. @sumitbhardwaj5612

    April 24, 2024 at 5:25 pm

    You are absolutely right, especially the new generation is affected by smartphones and I agree with you that this is an epidemic. Now AI comes and things get worse because it can read our mind and suggest videos or topics according to our thoughts. I don't think so future is gonna be bright. It's not only USA problem it is happening all over the world and tv you can't do anything except change the channel but in smartphones you can do unlimited things so after 40-50 years I will not be surprised that human consciousness can get more and more sick. New disease can happen in your mind and brain and body. Now it is hard to stop and I wanna ask scientists who are responsible for this. You invented atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs , television, smartphones. I mean are they aware of what will happen to humanity. Are they using mind or mind using scientists and after they invent something it goes to the hand of inferiority complex people who are politicians. I wanna ask every scientist. You are abusing your mind or your mind is abusing you. Mind is winning is happening all over the world. Earth is doomed

  13. @tedjaeckel5623

    April 24, 2024 at 5:25 pm

    New beginnings always foster this sense of alienation. I think It possiblly was worse at the turn and early into the 20th. They had so much more to be challenged by. Evolution. The death of god. Relativity. Quantum physics. The human rights movement. Just a perspective!! Our worldviews change. How can they not. Most importantly, our investments in our communities has been determined economically. Because it takes two members of the household to make an income, there is less time for our connection with their children in our community. Maybe the problem is capitalism, Which cares only about growth but not the cost of growth

  14. @Shantellywashington

    April 24, 2024 at 5:25 pm

    I agree but also simultaneously the internet can also connect you with your community. It’s up to you to branch out to those communities where you belong. Online gaming, meeting people who cosplay are just small examples. You really will meet some of the best people if you use the advantages of the internet with communication correctly. Being involved in other communities helped me step away from religious teachings. I’ve never been happier to step away from things that were always taught to me and to never be questioned. It it wasn’t for the internet I would have never met my group of people who get me and just want to live life freely without judging people who don’t hurt others. My happiness has never felt any better I truly enjoy life now to the fullest!

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